Use the English: Set aside time each day to communicate only in English. Listen, read, speak and write in English every chance you get. Here are some ways for you to practice it:

- Write
Send e-mails, make notes for yourself and write down daily reminders, using new words and common expressions. This helps with sentence structure and vocabulary.

- Keep a Journal
Write down things you are doing to prepare for college and other events in your daily life. This is a great way to organize your thoughts and practice writing in English. You can track your own progress. Read it to yourself and read it out loud.

- Listen
Listen to music, online broadcasts, radio, television and movies in English. The more you listen, the more you will understand vocabulary and expressions. Music helps you acquire the rhythm and stress patterns of spoken English. Listen closely to the words.

- Read
Reading is the best way to improve your vocabulary. U can use English-language reading materials — newspapers, magazines, books and websites — that are always available.

- Speaking
Concentrate on speaking loudly and clearly with good pronunciation and intonation. Try to speak in thought groups to have good flow to your speaking. Pause after prepositional phrases and related thought groups. Add emotion and feeling to what you are saying. Practice the same speech in your own language and then try to match the same gestures and feelings when you use English.


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